Check out an entirely new collection of happily ever afters set in the coastal town of Mystic Waters!
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Ambrosial Love!! Beware of the myth-shrouded MAGICAL LOVE WATER!!!
So, you’ve come to visit Mystic Waters, welcome in.
Legend has it, as written on the town plaques, this is a magical place for love. To fully understand, venture back a bit to the time of the Greek gods and Titans. In those times, the gods hosted parties, festivals, and yearlong celebrations above in the heavens. From Zeus, Hera, Cupid, and Aphrodite they all were there. They were living, dancing, and passionately loving.
To follow the legend, we must talk about one goddess, in particular, Hera.
Most people are familiar with the goddess, Hera, but few actually know the truth about her. It is well known that she is the wife of Zeus. She is the queen of the Olympian Gods. She is the sister of Poseidon, the god of the sea and controller of all things water in general. But there is more to her than that. She believes in true love to her core, even though over the years she has received quite a reputation for vengeance. One thing is true in all versions, it is best to be on her good side. A fact the gods, fates, and foes have come to respect.
Long ago, the gods were enjoying an epic celebration, called the Great Party. As all indulged in the festivities perhaps a bit too much, it changed the fate of the world below forever. Due to being caught up in the joyous event, an error occurred. It was one, Hera herself, could not allow to go without consequences.
So, what happened?
Enter the fates, Hera had three that were loyal to her. They were her subjects, her greatest allies, and her long-time friends. This next part can be said with a divine flair, but to keep things simple the guardians on duty took shifts. The ones in particular on that night were the three fates. Plainly spoken, they were on divine punch bowl duty overseeing the god springs and it spilled. The night of the party, on their watch, it went unnoticed when the water of the god springs found its way down to earth. For all of time, an error like that had never happened.
With the error, a mess Hera would not soon let them forget, it had landed the fates along with a guardian of the spring on earth to guard and oversee the divinely enhanced water. Hera, despite everything still had a soft spot for the fates as well as being fond of mortals, so she too has been said to walk amongst men personally overseeing the mystic waters.
Not much else is known about the legend after that but there are still rumors that float around it. One, that was how the town, Mystic Waters, got its name. Two, the pure spring water is a magical catalyst to love to this day. Three, Hera’s disclaimer. If humans interfere or aid with the water’s process of love knowingly they are subject to mortal aid consequences.
Returning to Hera, in more recent times, the mortal locals in the beach town of Mystic Waters, Florida know her other side. The one that tends to get forgotten in legend. Year after year, the people of the town tell a very different side than her being a vengeful goddess. She is also a goddess about love. Hera loves to match destined lovers for a blissful life in matrimony as a precious gift to them and mankind. And she does so with the aid of the god springs that spilled ages ago.
One drop is believed to be potent enough to spark the fiercest flames of love. Once the two lovers fall, they will love until the end of all time.
It has been said that the descendants of ancient times have kept the matchmaking up for destined lovers. But there are whispers of something more. Do the fates themselves walk amongst the town? Does Hera herself still bless these unions? And what of the ancient guardian who protects the mystical love spring?
Sure, some town staples bear a strong resemblance to those of the legend: Mayor Juno Rhea to Hera, the Moirai siblings to the fates, and even the tiny town loved Yorkie pup Honey to the guardian dragon, but that is sheer coincidence, right?
Whatever it is, one thing is for sure. It is believed by the locals that the water still holds its power to influence love.
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Mistaken identity. Undeniable sparks. She came to town to clear her head, but him capturing her heart wasn’t in her plan.
So you ventured to Cinnamon Bay, welcome. A little heads up, exercise a bit of caution with what you eat and drink. If not, you may just fall under the beautiful influence of love. That is if you believe in it.
Jewel Ward, an auction house accountant, is coming up for air during a visit with her grandmother in the small-town of Cinnamon Bay. While there, after leaving without saying goodbye to her boyfriend, Jewel’s making a big decision about her current relationship. When her Grams is injured, Jewel extends her stay and steps in to help with her grandma’s cozy soup business, Care Package. She mistakes Duke Montana for the new hire on the food truck, and there is a definite spark of forbidden love.
Duke Montana, an ex-CEO turned townie, is all for putting his past behind him. After one of the worst days of his life, he packed up his New York condo a year ago and found a home in Cinnamon Bay. The people are friendly, just nosey enough to care about their neighbors. Just the thing that made Duke feel as if he was home. His world is turned upside down when he meets the feisty Jewel that is as bossy as she is pretty. So much so that he finds himself being talked into a job he doesn’t need on a food truck. But he’s not complaining. Every day tends to be a bit brighter when Jewel is around.
Will they cross the line and take a chance on new love, or will Jewel stick to what’s safe and familiar?
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